
Manga: Royal Fiance

Title: Royal Fiance
Mangaka: Kamon Saeko
Language: English
Summary: Honami Kairi's fate changes when he accepted an offer from an old man to work for a rich family as a housekeeper. The low-level job suddenly transformed into a wedding workout with his schoolmate, the foreign Royal Prince Shou. It's a fairy tale with a twist...

Three and half stars

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vol 1 || vol 2 -end

My Review:
The first thing I will say is the art is absolutely AWESOME! It looks so sweet~ The uke is so innocent, pure and kind-heart. The seme is handsome, perfect, princely in every way but he has trust issue and was so cold. 
Actually there is many rape scenes here but somehow the rapes aren't that dreadful and disturbing. It's not too unpleasant for heart ^^ However the story has multiple cliches. There is something lacking in the relationship between the main couple which didn't seem to be getting anywhere and suddenly seemed to have gotten somewhere. All the misunderstanding and hurt in the long chapters can be solved in three or five pages. Their relationship could have been elaborated more. The mangaka could roam more aspect from the story like develop the past story about Shou's dad who had an affair with his secretary which make Shou's distrusting behavior and how Kairi could heal his wounded heart. And there really was noticeable 'gaps' that have to be filled in by the readers like someone is being chased, then suddenly the chase is forgotten and happily ever after. I have been expecting more actually... I'm more glad to read if this 5 chapters and an extra could be 7 or 10 chapters instead.
Other than that, tbh this is the genre I love: A prince and a commoner story. It's so sweet~ It's enjoyable enough and this manga is good for fast read. I would recommend to try it ^^


  1. Anonymous3/3/14 07:03

    Thank you for sharing this!

  2. Anonymous13/3/14 17:32

    Thank you very much to share this manga !! ;-D

