
Manga: Koi Cha no Osahou

Title: Koi Cha no Osahou
Mangaka: Sakuragi Yaya
Language: English
Summary: Get ready for hot tea and hotter action in this tale of opposites attracting on the tatami mats. Poor Tokumaru Madoka is just a regular energetic guy that can't seem to go even five minutes without breaking something. One day his hapless sister has had enough and she forces him to join their high school'd Tea Ceremony Club, hoping to instill a little discipline in her hopeless klutz of brother. Tea Ceremony Club president Hasune Kazuma is Tokumaru's complete opposite. The tall, dark president is the pinnacle of restraint, having been taught from a young age how to uphold his family's tradition. The sophisticated president and his awkward pupil conceal a brewing attraction, but they can't avoid steaming each other up. But even full to the brim with passion, will the two of them be able to bridge their differences and get along with each other?

Four and half stars

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vol 1 || vol 2 || vol 3 || vol 4 || Extra -end

My Review:
This story is so sweet~ (>////<) and it's quiet funny too (because Hasune is like old man). Two opposite characters meet and grow to love. They are very different. The protected young master of a famous tea ceremony house, Hasune, always keep a cool head, have to be mature and carry responsibility and the happy-go-lucky Tokumaru who easily gets into fights and doesn't stop to think about what to do with his life or free time beyond baseball and porn magazines. I love that they're so different in character and that is what makes it's so interesting to watch when they clash in romance.
There is not too much sex and it's not very graphic either so this will be good for readers who don't want much of it ^^ Beside the art is awesome~ Sakuragi Yaya-sensei always draw good mangas!
It has no drama so there aren't any dramatic events to make ou feel more than the simple daily life, but somehow the story changes gradually. Problems that can arise in relationships arose so you can see a growth of personalities of Tokumaru and Hasune as they deal with those problems. And inside these 4 volumes, beside about Hasune and Tokumaru, they show about other relationships as side stories. One for Hasune's sister and Tokumaru's sister which is funny and the other is for Keigo (Hasune's friend) and his boyfriend, Mizuki.
I love Sakuragi Yaya-sensei's masterpieces. I definitely will upload more of her mangas ^^

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