Title: Koi no Tsumeato
Mangaka: Koide Meiko
Language: English
Language: English
Summary: Kou and his lover Ao have been together for years, but that doesn't stop Kou from cheating on his lover whenever he's had a bit too much to drink. Ao, deeply in love and infinitely forgiving, always taken him back...but for how long?
Tada Mikuni is totally Kou's type... and it doesn't hurt that he's an amazing chef! But when a case of mistaken identity lands them in the sack for one-night stand, the two of them find out they hate just about everything about each other and never want to see each other again. Unfortunately, they're forced together again when Mikuni agrees to stand in as the chef on a TV show for Kou's agency.
Four stars
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My Review:
I love Koide Meiko's mangas and one of them is Koi no Tsumeato. This story is about love triangle where past and present are overlapping. I shouldn't tell about the detail or you will not be excited when read this >< First, I will review about the art. Tbh, the cover art is kinda...uninteresting. I felt uninterested in the first glance but actual manga art is more appealing. So don't judge from the cover only.
And now about the plot. Rather than a conventional love triangle, Koi no Tsumeato is ultimately the story of two people, Ao and Kou, in an imperfect relationship who have the relationship tested in the most extreme way by the third party (Mikuni). The main story is about Ao and Kou's relationship which is kinda unstable. It is about whether they should fight and stick it out or it's best for them to let go and try for other things. Really, this manga makes me doki doki because really, you don't know which one Kou will choose in the end, Ao or Mikuni. When I think Kou should choose this one, the next time I want him with him instead. So which one do you want Kou end up with?
The story is full with romantically cheesy lines, but the psychology and actions of the characters are much more realistic. The problem in Kou and Ao's relationship stem from problems they have as individuals. Ao lacks confidence in his ability to make Kou happy because of Kou's cheating ways and Mikuni's presence. Kou, on the other hand, has grown to depend on Ao as his strength. He simply can't keep his pants on. He emotionally weakling and his problems with one seme have a tendency to drive him into the other's arm (tbh I don't like Kou's cheat behavior). Mikuni is always looking forward. He doesn't bother much with self-reflection and charges forward, attempting to get what he wants at whatever cost.
Overall the story is good and it is enjoyable. It kept me reading for sure, believe me~ ^^
And now about the plot. Rather than a conventional love triangle, Koi no Tsumeato is ultimately the story of two people, Ao and Kou, in an imperfect relationship who have the relationship tested in the most extreme way by the third party (Mikuni). The main story is about Ao and Kou's relationship which is kinda unstable. It is about whether they should fight and stick it out or it's best for them to let go and try for other things. Really, this manga makes me doki doki because really, you don't know which one Kou will choose in the end, Ao or Mikuni. When I think Kou should choose this one, the next time I want him with him instead. So which one do you want Kou end up with?
The story is full with romantically cheesy lines, but the psychology and actions of the characters are much more realistic. The problem in Kou and Ao's relationship stem from problems they have as individuals. Ao lacks confidence in his ability to make Kou happy because of Kou's cheating ways and Mikuni's presence. Kou, on the other hand, has grown to depend on Ao as his strength. He simply can't keep his pants on. He emotionally weakling and his problems with one seme have a tendency to drive him into the other's arm (tbh I don't like Kou's cheat behavior). Mikuni is always looking forward. He doesn't bother much with self-reflection and charges forward, attempting to get what he wants at whatever cost.
Overall the story is good and it is enjoyable. It kept me reading for sure, believe me~ ^^
who does Kou end up with? I want it to be Mikuni, the reasons being that I want them to be together because if it wasn't for Ao, they might have been together now, and Mikuni still loves Kou even though he hasn't even caught on that they'r the same person (im only on ch.5) and Kou is my favorite character, and i really like Mikuni, though I really do like Ao aswell, but the fact that he lied to Mikuni about what happened to Kou really annoys me, even though he did it because he loves Kou I don't think it was right to do it, i haven't a clue who kou will end up with at the end but I hope theres some sort of time were Kou and Mikuni realize who each other are and work it out. I want Mikuni and Kou together though I want a happy ending for Ao