
Manga: Koi Cha no Osahou

Title: Koi Cha no Osahou
Mangaka: Sakuragi Yaya
Language: English
Summary: Get ready for hot tea and hotter action in this tale of opposites attracting on the tatami mats. Poor Tokumaru Madoka is just a regular energetic guy that can't seem to go even five minutes without breaking something. One day his hapless sister has had enough and she forces him to join their high school'd Tea Ceremony Club, hoping to instill a little discipline in her hopeless klutz of brother. Tea Ceremony Club president Hasune Kazuma is Tokumaru's complete opposite. The tall, dark president is the pinnacle of restraint, having been taught from a young age how to uphold his family's tradition. The sophisticated president and his awkward pupil conceal a brewing attraction, but they can't avoid steaming each other up. But even full to the brim with passion, will the two of them be able to bridge their differences and get along with each other?


Manga: Koi no Tsumeato

Title: Koi no Tsumeato
Mangaka: Koide Meiko
Language: English
Summary: Kou and his lover Ao have been together for years, but that doesn't stop Kou from cheating on his lover whenever he's had a bit too much to drink. Ao, deeply in love and infinitely forgiving, always taken him back...but for how long?
Tada Mikuni is totally Kou's type... and it doesn't hurt that he's an amazing chef! But when a case of mistaken identity lands them in the sack for one-night stand, the two of them find out they hate just about everything about each other and never want to see each other again. Unfortunately, they're forced together again when Mikuni agrees to stand in as the chef on a TV show for Kou's agency.
Meanwhile, Ao knows something that neither of them realizes: it seems they've met before...


Manga: Super Lovers

Title: Super Lovers
Mangaka: Abe Miyuki
Language: English
Summary: 17-year-old Kaidou Haru isn't too happy to be spending his summer vacation in the wilds of Canada with his eccentric, estranged mother. But when he saddles him with civilizing his new adopted brother, 8-year-old wild child Ren, he takes up the mantle with aplomb, gradually learning to navigate the boy's unruly demeanor and fostering a close bond that prompts him to invite Ren to come live with him in Japan once he graduates, hoping Ren can experience what it's like to have real family. But falls from such heights of happiness usually give way to the deepest depths of despair.

This Blog

Why did I make this blog? This blog I dedicated for otaku, especially for fujoshi fellow~ ^^ What I will talk and post here is animes and mangas so maybe I will give spoiler >.< 90% here is about Y.A.O.I! And I only post my favorite mangas or animes~ Ah, please follow me at my twitter here.


