
Manga: Ousama ni Kiss!

Title: Ousama ni Kiss!
Mangaka: Sera
Language: English and Chinese
Summary: On the outskirts of Tokyo, Toubuisazaki High School is known for its mottos of "Yakuza are your friends!" and "Seize the chief's weakness!". A midst these scary rumors is the king of the school high school student Maki: a person with an abrasive personality, who thinks of his classmates as servants. It's a mystery that Yoshifumi, the school nurse, loves him.
As Yoshifumi uses various tactics to draw Maki closer, how does Maki react? ...He likes it! 

Five stars (really recommended)

Download Link:
vol 1 (English) || vol 2 (English) || vol 3 (Chinese) -end

My Review:
Who think that the first chapter is the side couple? The first time I read this manga, it made me surprise that first chapter isn't the main couple. It's about the lead chara, Maki, act as cupid for his classmates >_<
I'm so biased over Maki's character. He is so cute 8(>/////<)8 You can say that he is tsundere type. But for me he is the type of man who can't express his feeling well. But Yoshifumi, his lover, can understand him so well. Maki loves cute things and animal. He really loves penguins. He always scream in silence because animals are too cute, his side who love cute things is just like me >.< All students on his school are afraid of him but I think no one can hate him. He is just too cute~~ *biased*
Now for their love story! Yoshifumi originally work on infirmary at Maki's school but he quits because he is afraid he can't hold his desire to do things with Maki at infirmary lol. I love how Yoshifumi never give up to win Maki's heart. He always invite (note: drag) Maki to go with him everywhere like zoo or aquarium like a date. Finally Maki falls in love with him too >////< Their love story is so sweet even many obstacles come like Maki's neighbor as third wheel, Yoshifumi's dad who oppose their relation and others. Their love stay strong and grow more. And they have a child, a cute cat named Salty~ They even got married.
Ok, I have to stop now or this review will be so long... lmao.
Tbh this manga is only translated on first and second volumes. Back then I got sad because Bliss-full is on long hiatus. I thought they close down. But now they're back, they definitely will continue this manga since it still is in their current project list. I will upload more if they release the third volume...


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