
Manga: Super Lovers

Title: Super Lovers
Mangaka: Abe Miyuki
Language: English
Summary: 17-year-old Kaidou Haru isn't too happy to be spending his summer vacation in the wilds of Canada with his eccentric, estranged mother. But when he saddles him with civilizing his new adopted brother, 8-year-old wild child Ren, he takes up the mantle with aplomb, gradually learning to navigate the boy's unruly demeanor and fostering a close bond that prompts him to invite Ren to come live with him in Japan once he graduates, hoping Ren can experience what it's like to have real family. But falls from such heights of happiness usually give way to the deepest depths of despair.

Five stars (really recommended)

Download Link:
vol 1 || vol 2 || vol 3 || vol 4 || vol 5 || vol 6: chp16, chp17 || Extra -tbc

My Review:
First I read this manga, my reaction is "Ah, it's so cute (>////<)". Eight years old Ren is really cute and Haru is the one who can tame his wild behaviors. But after those cute moments, bam, something bad happened and it became angst. Ah, don't worry, it will not be angst forever. You can say Abe Miyuki-sensei really can balance between angst and fluff in her story. That is what I love about this manga~
The main story is about the life between Haru and Ren as step-brothers and there is these 2 more step-brothers, Shima and Aki (they're twins). Haru's dream is to live together with his brothers so the four of them live together in the end. But this Haru has a habbit to kiss Ren because he is too cute (and someday Ren will be eaten). Ren loves Haru since he was 8 years old, but what Haru wants is a brother to love and spoil. So that is the problem Ren has to come over. Their loves are different.
Follow their brotherly(?) lifes~
The story line is so nice, not too rush or too slow. The first chapter isn't too awesome but still so cute, but after that the plot seems become more and  more interesting as each chapters pass, it flows beautifully. They never fail to make you entertain, laugh or even cry. And big point for the art. The characters are beautiful and well-drawn.
And who don't like Shota genre, don't worry. This story mainly is around Ren in High School. The sex scenes happens when Ren is 15 years old so it's not in Shota category.
Sadly, the one who translated this manga has dropped the project. Buuuuutttt, September Scanlation kindly translate this again from the beginning and now they're already chp 8. Just wait until chp 18 release! XD I will update new chapter if it came out!


  1. Arigatou~ I,ve been searching this everywhere but couldn't find it >_<

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oww thank you so much for the awesome links of the previous chapters. I finally manage to organize the files orderly. By the way, it already reach chapter 21 now, would you please update them? ^_^
    I enjoyed your summary since i honestly haven't get my hands on this beautiful series and you're right, i love the cover artwork!
    Thank you and enjoy your Sunday! ^_^

  4. vol 4 not downloading :(

